How to Create a Product Feed Using Google Shopping App

Method 1: Upload a Feed to Google Merchant Center using a URL (HTTP)

Who is this method for? This method is perfect for merchants of all shapes and sizes who have created their feed on something like Google Sheets or are using a third party management tool.

Requirements: A URL that contains your feed

Step 1: Create your feed and get a link

Google Sheets

Here's an example of what a feed created in Google Sheets could look like:


Make sure you change the settings so that it's able to be read by anyone who has the link.



Once you've finished mapping your feed, a feed URL will be auto generated. This is the link you'll want to copy.

feed url

Step 2: Log in to your Google Merchant Account

Step 3: Go 'Products' and then 'Feeds'

Step 4: Add your feed by clicking on the blue plus button


Step 5: Pick the language and country that you're selling in

After you select the language, the 'Destination' option will appear as well. You can pick which Google Products you want to advertise on like Shopping ads and Free Listings.


Step 6: Give your feed a name

This is just to help distinguish it from other feeds in your account. It doesn't need to match the file name and will only be seen inside your and imput method

Step 7: Choose the scheduled fetch option. Your feed will be frequently updated from your URL.

Step 8: Click continue

Step 9: Choose a file name and give the file URL

You can name your feed file whatever you like here, but the file URL needs to be copied and pasted exactly.


Step 10: Fill in the last details

Decide on your:

  • Fetch frequency
  • Fetch time
  • Time zone

Giving login details is optional unless you've set up a password protected feed.

Step 11: Continue -> fetch now

Your feed will be processed automatically anyway, but if you don't want to wait you can choose the 'Fetch now' option for the first processing.

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Method 2: Upload a Feed to Google Merchant Center using a file (Local drive)

Who is this method for? This method is best for merchants with very few products, or for those who rarely need to make adjustments to their feed.

Requirements: A file located on your local drive that is 4GB or smaller

Potential drawbacks: You need to upload a new file any time you make changes to your feed. So it could work for someone who has a few products, but for most merchants it could lead to headaches.

Step 1: Log into your DataFeedWatch account

Go to the shop of the feed you want and find your Google Shopping channel. Make sure that your feed is fully mapped and ready to go. Its status should be 'OK'.

Step 2: Download your file

Under the Options tab click the down arrow and choose 'Export Output Feed to File'


Step 3: Go to your Google Merchant Center account

Go to the  'Products' tab and then to 'Feeds'. Click on the blue plus button to add a new feed.


Step 4: Enter basic information

Fill in the settings for:

  • Your target country
  • Language

Step 5: Enter input method

Choose a name for your feed that will help you identify it among your other feeds. It's just an internal name that doesn't need to match your file name.

Pick the 'Upload' method for how your feed will be connected to Google Merchant Center.


Step 6: Enter your file name

Choose if you want to upload it right away and hit 'Continue'. And that's it!

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Method 3: Upload a Feed to Google Merchant Center via FTP

Who is this method for? This method is a great match for all merchants, especially those who are interested in making several daily feed updates.


  • An FTP client, third party service like DataFeedWatch, or command line knowledge
  • An FTP address (for Shopping feeds you'll use: )
  • An FTP account - you'll set yours up in Google Merchant Center

FTP connections are a way for computers to communicate and transfer data. The data in question here is your feed file.

FTP_connectionsWe'll go through a simplified version here, but if you want more in depth instructions, check out our full FTP article here.

Step 1: Create your FTP account

Google gives you the opportunity to set your FTP account up right in Merchant Center.

Step 2: Upload your file

You can do this in a couple of ways:

  1. Use a third party client like FileZilla or WinSCP. If you're using DataFeedWatch, you won't need to use a client since we'll act in place of one.
  2. Use your computer's command line to connect your file to Google Merchant Center.

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 Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check my feed for errors?

If you're using DataFeedWatch then you'll be able to run a Feed Review after making any changes. It will check for any errors or warnings in your feed and give you an overall health score.

If not, you can check it in Google when you're uploading your feed. Choose the 'Upload as a test' on this screen to test your feed before it goes live.

upload_feed_testYour products will get a status of either:

  • Approved
  • Disapproved
  • Excluded

Either way, you should fix any errors and warnings before your feed goes live in order to keep your Merchant Center account healthy.

How often should I update my feed?

Google requires you to update your feed at least once a month, but we recommend you do it much more frequently. Once a day works well for a lot of merchants, but if you have a feed that's changing many times a day, then multiple daily feed updates is the best path for you.

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