People With Funny Job Titles on Linkedin

The labor market, as well as other spheres of life in the era of digitalization, is experiencing an accelerated dynamic of transformations, which we often seem to have no time to adapt to. Choosing the best way to prepare for the new demands of our profession or, even more, of another career to which we want to migrate is increasingly challenging. Here is the situation in Brazil presented by Bemorepanda.

# 1 122% annual growth

1.Social media manager

Leader of the ranking, the profession of social media manager had its demand increased annually by an average of 122% between 2015 and 2019. The people in the role are responsible for the image, for the relationship and engagement and for the prospecting of a company on digital channels. They strategically expand business possibilities through websites and social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In addition to solid knowledge in digital marketing and social media, these professionals are expected to master tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Five essential knowledge:

Digital marketing; social networks; Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Illustrator; and marketing.

Three segments that most seek:

Advertising and marketing; online media; and internet.

2. Cybersecurity engineer

# 2 115% annual growth

Any device connected to the internet is vulnerable to cyber attacks and, therefore, data security on the network has become central to companies. In this scenario, the role of cybersecurity engineer is increasingly important and thus

the second place among the main trends. The professional creates security systems and monitors the organization's IT infrastructure to prevent intrusions and implement processes and controls.

Five essential knowledge:

Docker Products; Ansible; DevOps; Amazon Web Services, AWS; and Kubernetes.

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; computer software; financial services.

Sales representative

# 3 109% annual growth

The good seller remains paramount for any company, as shown in this third position in the ranking of professions highlighted in 2020. But the highest positions are available to those who understand how to sell technology, as companies in the software, IT and internet segments are who are most looking for these specialists. Today's salesperson also needs to know active and passive marketing strategies and know how to map the needs of the most appropriate customer before approaching him.

Five essential knowledge:

Outbound Marketing; inbound marketing; pre sale; domestic sales; and prospecting.

Three segments that most seek:

Computer software; Information Technology and services; and internet.

4.Customer Success Specialist

# 4 79% annual growth

The relationship with the customer after the purchase is now fundamental for any company, as it is a way of maintaining his interest in the products or services he offers. The customer's success specialist plays a key role in providing the buyer with a quality after-sales experience. That is why,

it generally presents a profile that combines technical and behavioral skills, as it needs to understand technology and manage relationships. Like salespeople, the companies that seek them most are linked to technology: IT and services, software and the internet.

Five essential knowledge:

Inbound marketing; Helping Clients Succeed; customer relations; digital marketing; and customer experience.

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; computer software; and internet.

5.Data scientist

# 5 78% annual growth

There is a saying that data is the new oil. Their importance to companies explains why professions linked to the capture, processing, analysis, representation and interpretation of large volumes of data arrive with force

among the emerging ones, according to the LinkedIn survey. The good data scientist has the necessary knowledge to analyze the data and, from them, build models, make experiments and seek insights for the best decision making. It is an area for graduates in computer science, computer engineering and

applied mathematics, for example.

Five essential knowledge:

Machine Learning; data science; Python language; R language; and data science.

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; banks; and computer software.

6.Data Engineer

# 6 75% annual growth

In general terms, he is a software engineer specialized in backend. In other words: it is responsible for building the infrastructure and systems for organizing a company's data. It operates in the storage, distribution and retrieval of this information with a focus on optimizing their performance. Among the most required skills are the use of free Apache web server tools and the Python programming language.

Five essential knowledge:

Apache Spark; Apache Hadoop; large databases; Apache Hive; and the Python programming language.

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; banks; and financial services.

7.Artificial Intelligence Specialist

# 7 73% annual growth

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (in Portuguese, machine learning) are fast associations when it comes to innovation today. And the presence of the specialist in the area in this seventh position in the ranking is an indicator that this relationship came to

stay: hiring for the position grew by an annual average of 73% in the period evaluated in the survey. Despite working in the most varied sectors, they are required to have a specific set of skills, which include - in addition to machine learning - deep learning and the Python programming language.

Five essential knowledge:

Machine learning; deep learning; Python programming language; data science; Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; computer software; and higher education institutions.

8.JavaScript Developer

# 8 72% annual growth

The JavaScript programming language is one of the main technologies of the internet, as it allows interactive web pages. Most websites and browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to run them. The companies that most seek programmers with this specialization are in the areas of Information Technology, software and the internet.

Five essential knowledge:

React.js; Node.js; AngularJS; Git; and MongoDB.

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; computer software; and internet.

9.Day Trader Investor

# 9 69% annual growth

Day Trade is a strategy for buying and selling shares on stock exchanges on the same day. As it requires quick analysis and decision-making, the most sought-after knowledge in this investor profile is on stock exchanges, capital markets, Trading (short-term investments) and the Technical Analysis methodology

(technical analysis, in Portuguese), which aims to predict future market behavior based on historical data.

Five essential knowledge:

Stock Exchange; Technical Analysis; investments; capital market; and short-term trading investment.

Three segments that most seek:

Financial services; capital market; and investment fund managers.


# 10 68% annual growth

The demand for drivers is also heated in the market, shows the ranking of Emerging Professions. Looking at the three sectors of the economy that are most likely to demand them in the coming year, it appears that, among them, are companies connected to the internet and services and facilities to the customer, such as passenger transport and shopping applications and deliveries. But the logistics segment is not far behind: expanding in Brazil, it appears in the second position. Today's professional, however, needs to go beyond being a good driver. It is useful to know how to use negotiation and customer service techniques and basic technology tools, such as the Office Package.

Five essential knowledge:

Customer service; Microsoft Word; leadership; Microsoft Excel; and sales.

Three segments that most seek:

Internet; land and rail transport; and customer services and facilities.

11.Investment advisor

# 11 61% annual growth

The investment adviser guides clients in making decisions about how to apply their resources, according to the expectations and needs of each person. This professional needs to master the portfolios to direct the best strategies to that profile. The most requested knowledge is in investments, capital and financial markets, fixed income and financial analysis.

Five essential knowledge:

Investments; capital market; financial market; fixed income; and financial analysis.

Three segments that most seek:

Financial services; capital market; and banks.

12.Social media assistant

# 12 60% annual growth

At a more beginner level and operational performance, the social media assistant has, among his responsibilities, researching competitive brands or markets, running campaigns on websites and social networks and creating an online voice or image that is desirable and reaches the company's target audience , based on the strategy defined by the manager. The advertising and marketing market is the one that hires the most, and therefore having skills in both areas is essential - knowing how to use Adobe Photoshop is another of the most outstanding knowledge. The Internet and Information Technology segments are also among the main employers.

13.Salesforce Developer

# 13 58% annual growth

Centralizing in a single database all the interactions between a company and its customers is one of the most important tasks currently developed in organizations. For this, a group of tools called Customer Relationship Management, CRM (in Portuguese, Relationship Management) has been used.

with the client). Salesforce is one of the strongest CRM systems on the market, and its expert programmers analyze business processes, develop workflows and generate solutions for specific business needs.

Five essential knowledge: development; Apex programming language; features; administration; and Visualforce.

Three segments that most seek:

Computer software; Information Technology and services; and management consulting.

14.Recruiter specialist in the Information Technology sector

# 14 56% annual growth

To hire so many qualified IT professionals, the market also needs recruiters specialized in the sector. According to the LinkedIn ranking, this profile ranks 14th among the rising professions in 2020. It requires knowledge to make the best choices in a selection process, such as recruitment techniques - especially in IT -, interview and research of executives. IT and services companies are the ones that most demand these professionals, and those of

recruitment and Human Resources appear next.

Five essential knowledge:

IT recruitment; recruitment; interview; executive search; and recruitment techniques.

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; recruitment and selection; and Human Resources.

15.Agile Methodology Coach

# 15 53% annual growth

In the corporate context, the concept of agility refers not only to speed, but also to the strategy of responding to the constant changes that the business is going through. Agile is a project management methodology focused on developing teams

more agile, in order to facilitate the transformations in the organizational culture necessary for the company's sustainability. The coach specialized in this model trains the teams and supervises their development so that they can contribute with their potential for effective results. Technology-related companies are the ones that most seek these professionals right now.

Five essential knowledge:

Kanban; Agile methodology; Scrum; project management in Agile; and business agility.

Three segments that most seek:

Information Technology and services; computer software; and internet.

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