7 Steps to Get a Girl in Bed Without Offending or Loosing Her

In this article you learn:

  • Seduces in bed: From "Hello" to sex in 7 reliable steps
  • How you affect women sexuallywithout looking like a sex activity offender
  • How to tempt a girl verbally: three sentences to seduce her with your words (Shakespeare would exist proud)
  • How to accept her home with you existence brutally honest (and why lies are unnecessary and pathetic)
  • What are women attracted to? What you can learn from "fifty Shades of Grey" about the sexuality of women (and what is often forgotten)
  • How you lot make sure she wants to run into you once more subsequently sex
  • And much more flirting tips for guys…

By the way, have y'all seen my free Transformation Kit?

You'll get my best stuff absolutely gratis: 12 Opening lines that actually piece of work, my 5 best texting tips (including re-create-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit hither.

Past now I've written about virtually every dating related topic:

Lovesickness, approach anxiety, trunk language, eye contact, … – name your challenge and in all probability, we already have an commodity nearly information technology.

I topic I've always peculiarly enjoyed writing virtually is sexual practice.

But for many men, my sex manufactures are completely irrelevant.


Considering they can't get women into bed.

The reasons for this?

They don't know how it works.

That'due south it. That'southward all at that place is to it.

All my wonderful tips on how to bring a woman to orgasm are therefore useless.

Only whether yous've less sex than a woman has hair on her assurance or you simply want to larn how to get women sexually attracted to you…

…today you get a reliable stride-by-step plan.

So, grab your balls until y'all sound similar Michael Jackson, put on your reading glasses and go through this commodity carefully.

>> How to Tempt a Daughter: The Complete Guide to Seduce her.

And after that? Go to a club or bar, apply my tips from A to Z and make a adult female then happy that your neighbors complain.


How to get a girl in bed in 7 uncomplicated steps

Step #1: Become more ascendant

If a adult female isn't attracted to y'all, she won't sleep with you.

There's no way.

Anybody ought to be enlightened of that. At least I hope you lot practise for your sake.

But not everyone is enlightened of HOW to trigger this feeling in women and certainly non how to get a woman in the mood.

Have yous ever read the book "50 Shades of Grey"?

If and then, I think you're a genius.

Not because it'south a literary masterpiece, simply because this goddamn book tells you lot a lot nigh what women find extremely sexy.

>> The Fine art of Dominating a Woman in Bed in v Tips.

Just wait at the sales figures of this piece:

It has been sold over 125 million times. And that's 2015! I couldn't become more than recent figures, just who cares – the bottom line is:

Information technology's kind of a big deal.

And this fifty-fifty though the book is worse written than the articles of our competitors.

Simply tastes are dissimilar.

What tin y'all learn from this volume?

Certainly, that women dream of ascendant men.

More specifically of strong and competent men who know exactly how to arouse a woman.

No adult female imagines the average Joe driving her to work in his Nissan Micra, kissing her goodbye on the cheek and then playing X-Box at abode while she brings domicile the money.

If yous desire to get a adult female into bed, then you lot should strongly consider working on your dominance.

In this article you learn how you lot can practise this:

>> How to Be a More than Dominant Homo and Set Your Woman On Burn

Pace #2: Detect the perfect balance

At least at present you lot know that women take a weakness for dominant men.

Simply that's only half the story.

Women desire the COMBINATION of a BOSS and a Admirer.

I don't accept to tell yous that it doesn't go downward well with women to exist 100% gentlemanly – yous've probably noticed that yourself.

Only combined with your dominant side, being dainty to women isn't a bad plan.

Christian Grey isn't a violent psychopath who tyrannizes the protagonist.


He is eloquent, charming, serenity, intelligent and … (who would accept thought it?) Squeamish.

He uses his pronounced social skills to manage a multi-billion-dollar visitor.

This requires tact and empathy – qualities that a ane-dimensional wannabe alpha doesn't possess.

One way to accomplish the perfect boss gentleman balance is honesty.

Next time you're in a chat with a woman, listen deep inside yourself and merely say what you think is truthful.

And and then picket what happens and deal with it.

That's what I said to a sweet chica bonita the other day without whatsoever sense of shame:

"I'thousand a bit nervous considering I don't want you to think I'm too straight but every fourth dimension I expect at your lips, I can't help it."

It's non polish talk, not a perfect pickup line, not some elaborate flirt technique…

but just the truth.

This makes you vulnerable and instantly appear more confident.

How she liked it?

She could relax and trust me more. We kissed on a park bench and afterwards played "Lego" at my firm.

Honesty isn't only a heroic virtue; information technology also works damn well with women.

Voilà – two reasons to never lie again.

>> From Dating to Human relationship: 5 Natural Steps to Make Her Yours.

Only if yous never talk to her, then y'all can be as honest and dominating as you desire, then…

Step #3: F@cking talk to her

Don't believe the feminist pseudo-truths.

There are differences between men and women, particularly when information technology comes to dating.

When a woman sits lone at a bar counter, it takes less than five minutes for the first dude to approach her.

Do you know what happens when an attractive human sits lone at the bar counter for an hr?

In nigh cases Absolutely Null.

I know ane homo who gets approached by women all the fourth dimension, BUT…

He looks like a Greek demigod: Alpine, handsome, muscular, very masculine features, …

If y'all don't look like him (like me and 99.9% of all other guys), then y'all MUST arroyo women.

"Just, Dan, I'yard afraid…"

B!tch delight. Every normal man has responsiveness – some more than, some less.

There are just a scattering of psychopaths who take no inhibitions whatsoever, or people like me who take simply approached so many women that it'due south like breathing for them.

But these are exceptional cases.

It takes courage to approach a adult female.

And if you can't fifty-fifty build up plenty backbone to approach her, y'all don't deserve her. Lamentable, but that's the way it works.

"But, Dan, I don't know what to say…"

Why practise you ever take to make everything then complicated?

Just walk up to her with a grin, expect into her eyes, put your hand out to her and say

"Hey, I'thousand [your name]."

Aye, information technology's that simple.

Y'all don't need stupid pick-upwardly lines she'southward heard v times anyhow. Or creative openers that make her laugh but stop up coming off as besides harsh.

>> Daygame – the Lost Art of Approaching Beautiful Women Without Creeping Them Out.

At that place'due south no magic spell that can cast an instant spell on her.

But y'all won't demand that anyway as long as you implement the first 2 tips.

Step #4: Seduce her with your touches

This study shows that people are more probable to follow your suggestions and find you more likeable when you touch them.

And this is by far not the only report that ascribes great importance to physical touch for interpersonal communication. Scientists seem to be extremely unanimous on this point.

These touches are even more of import if you desire to get a adult female into bed.

The question is:

How do you touch a woman sexually then that it neither comes beyond as creepy nor overly friendly?

Hither are two things you should exist aware of:

  1. Unimpaired well-beingness
  2. Gradual increment

It's of import that a woman feels comfortable with your touch.

If she doesn't, you should definitely take a step or two back and give her the space she needs.

My #1 tip against a sexual harassment lawsuit:

Never take the adjacent footstep when you notice a adult female isn't feeling information technology.

By the way.


If she feels comfortable in your presence, but you lot don't increment the touches, and then you won't get far either.

So, start by touching her at the shoulder or elbow.

And so you lot can gradually decrease the distance between y'all and so that your legs near touch each other while your upper torso remains at a distance.

Pay attention to signs of her torso linguistic communication. She shows no signs of rejection? Adept, so take the adjacent small footstep.

Until one day you end upward on the sofa of a nice cafe with her. Or in a corner on the trip the light fantastic toe flooring of a club.

A kiss shouldn't be something big that you lot have to overcome to become to, but simply the next logical step.

From here y'all can slowly first a kind of foreplay.

Merely don't overdo information technology. Considering the staff won't similar to see that. I've seen information technology all…

And so it's time to take her to your place (or hers). Oh yep, sexual practice in public is also a fine affair, but this is something for another article.

How you atomic number 82 her to your home?

Hooo hooo, cowboy! Non and so fast.

Ii important steps are still missing.

>> Listing of Facial Expression (With Examples) + The 5 Looks Women Find Virtually Attractive.

Step #5: Seduce her with your words (+ 3 example sentences)

Although it'southward possible to seduce women without words, it would be foolish not to utilise the ability of verbal seduction.

Because you can plow a adult female excessively on but by saying the correct things.

"Eyo babyguuurl, let'south get the hell outtaaa' here, what practise yous say?"

Uh… no.

This isn't going to work.

Y'all only get a chief seducer when your words are poetic.

You don't have to exist Shakespeare, but I tin can't recommend sentences that are likewise clumsy. William would plow over in his grave…

Of course, there are a lot of ways to add some poetry to your sentences.

I'll now give yous 3 example sentences (which you may steal) and explain WHY they sexualize the conversation.

"When you osculation someone, exercise you buss the upper lip or the lower lip?"

That'southward "just a question," at least that's what she'll think. But information technology's less innocent than she thinks, because you're going to stir up her inner picture palace.

It's also a not bad way to find out how far you've progressed with the conversation. If she reacts coldly, and so you lot know she's not prepare to osculation you.

Pro tip:

Banish any uncertainty from this question. Ask it equally if you were going to kiss presently anyhow and you merely want to cheque which lip she'd prefer.

Women similar directness – provided yous have social intelligence and know when directness is appropriate and when not.

The next judgement will exist even more directly.

"If one more word leaves your lips, I can't assistance but buss y'all."

She'll then probably await at you in cliffhanger and try to read off your gaze to see if y'all're serious.

But you don't care. You just keep looking calmly into her eyes and don't even blink.

If she and so says something, it'south of course your intention to osculation her.

Pro tip:

This judgement is actress powerful if y'all just interrupt her. Information technology demonstrates water ice-cold cocky-confidence – something women find irresistible.

So, if you've done everything right so far, you lot should kiss now.

With the next judgement we stimulate her inner cinema so much that she'll only remember about sexual practice with y'all.

"Y'all're lucky we're in public right now."

I know this phrase sounds a scrap "rapey" at beginning sight, only if you've already strongly stimulated her sexual desire, it'll drive her crazy.

For more than lines that work. Simply have a look at my 12 Lines That E'er Work.

Which you tin can go hither for free.

At present is the time to take her abode.

Step #6: Take/ pb her to yous (+ 3 example sentences)

Most of the women I sleep with I simply invite to my home via texting .

This works best for me.


What could exist better than catastrophe a date or an evening at a society with a female person companion?


I can't think of anything either.

Only beware:

Even if you knock her off the socks on the engagement, you can however exercise some things wrong with this step.

In fact, this is the step where yous demand to be the most confident.

Just I've a method for you that really works.

Important here is the correct mindset.

Leading her to your home isn't the terminate, but the extension of the date.

This mindset makes it easy to move the date to your apartment with confidence and ease.

How y'all can initiate this shift? Here are three splendid case sentences:

"Hey, I bought fresh fruits, let's make some succulent smoothies."

"I got a new stereo that makes a really cool sound. Let me testify yous."

"Have y'all ever tried virtual reality? No? Perfect, then information technology's about time."

Side notation:

These sentences should be True. If you promise her virtual reality but lead her into an empty room with only a mattress and a pack of condoms, things will end badly. Lying to become a woman into bed is pathetic.

Alright, alright, alright…

You've already kissed, turned on each other and now she's even with y'all. Super dope!

Merely what now?

>> Conversation Topics List – the 19 Hottest Conversation Starters.

Step #7: One time y'all get to your business firm…

Don't become me incorrect.

There will be situations where you enter your apartment with her, close the door behind you (sometimes yous can't even become that far) and then y'all immediately fall over each other.

Simply that's rather the exception.

In most cases you'll have to take a lot of time at present to make the adult female feel equally comfortable as possible.

There are five things you can exercise for this:

  • Give her a tour of your flat: The ameliorate she knows your flat, the safer she'll experience
  • Turn on some music: Why do you recall that people in supermarkets, elevators, hairdressing salons, etc. commonly play music, if not to brand people feel more comfortable?
  • Vino ever helps: I don't think I need to explain this betoken 😉
  • Make yourself comfortable: You feel more comfortable on a comfy couch than on a kitchen chair
  • Utilize your words: Say something similar "Make yourself at habitation" or "This is a very peaceful and placidity area where I feel very comfy".

Now you should make her feel right at home.

The foundation is poured and on this you should now build an extensive prelude.

A lot of men make the mistake of thinking, "Well, I've given her enough time…"

Well, if you don't care that she wants to see you over again, then you can go all in now and chances are she'southward open to it.

>> How To Brand a Girl Desire You Back: 7 Foolproof Steps.

But why would you subscribe to a adult female for merely one night in the start identify? What if you want to exercise it more than oft considering it was damn good?

Information technology's all and then ill-conceived…

So, make sure she wants to see you again by taking your time with the foreplay. That way the sex will exist more intimate, more intense, longer.

The bonus tip that makes everything easier

Women will feel uncomfortable about having sex with you if you feel uncomfortable.

The more relaxed, free and shamelessly you can talk almost sexual activity – as if information technology were the nigh normal thing in the world – the more a adult female will feel comfortable showing you her sexual side.

Alright, bro. Now you got them: 7 steps to get a adult female in bed.

Use them wisely, responsibly, and with pleasure.

My Transformation Kit.

Your bro,
Dan de Ram

P.S.: Don't forget to grab your free goodies beneath.

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  • 12 Opening Lines that Actually Piece of work
  • 5 Date Generating Texting Tips (Plus Copy-Paste Lines for Tinder)
  • The Friendzone Escape-Room Fox

Yes, requite me the Transformation Kit!


Source: https://www.attractiongym.com/how-to-get-a-girl-in-bed/

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